In 2013, Shinichi Ishizuka released the "BLUE GIANT" manga comic which has sold over 11 million copies as of today. The original work "BLUE GIANT" has been highly acclaimed with numerous word-of-mouth reviews as "a manga you can hear the sound of". The music for the film is composed by world-renowned pianist Hiromi (Hiromi Uehara). She also composed the original music for the trio "JASS" formed by the main characters.
CD 1
1. Impressions
2. Omelet Rice
3. Day By Day
4. Kawakita Blues
5. Ambition
6. Blue Giant ~Cello & Piano~
7. Motivation
8. In Search Of...
9. The Beginning
10. Monologue
11. Forward
12. Another Autumn
13. Next Step
14. Challenge
15. Kick Off
16. Samba Five
17. N.E.W.Recollection
18. No Way Out
CD 2
1. New Day
2. Reunion
3. Count On Me
4. Faith
5. Nostalgia
6. What It Takes
7. We Will
8. From Here
9. First Note
10. Blue Giant